Sunday, October 13, 2013


Assalamualaikum .

Now I’m 23. Kadang-kadang tu merasakan diri ini belum cukup matang untuk segalanya. Sejak tamat pengajian di  UPSI ada beberapa perkara yang disenarai pendek telah aku lakukan. Banyak juga perkara yang aku lakukan dengan main redah je. Antaranya jadi Takaful Consultant. Haha…

Memang bukan dari senarai yang pernah aku list sebelum ni.  Working as a full time takaful consultant and full time student Master of Engineering at UKM  requires me to change the way I think of myself. Some people suka “memperlecehkan” but some people taught me that everything is within your own control. Of course I have my flexible time to manage my master study. Whatever it is, I will try to keep myself to be strong. This is the platform for me to be more confident of my own capabilities.

 I always asked myself, asked Allah, "why me? “why must do this?”  But today, I get the answer. I know, I have a strong will in everything I do. Even if I have to do something because I was asked or forced to, I will give my best. Of course I will cry a lot along the way, but that's just me overcoming fear and stresses. But Allah eased everything for me. Alhamdulillah..

I will never forget how hard it was for me to get into this phase of life. I know, there are various ways to gain money and build a life. But, I choose to pursue my career in this field. Not because I am good at it, but I wanna use my knowledge and everything that I learnt. I am excited to start this journey not because of what the job has to offer, but I wanna build myself.  Because I know, a Takaful Consultant not only build things up but also his own life, by that means my personal development.

I wanna be bold and stronger than I am today. I wanna face people with no fear of making mistakes. I wanna be more confident in myself. I know, this is my own kick-start insyaAllah :)

So dear readers, please give me your best wishes so that I can do well as a Takaful consultant . I know, things are not going to be easy. Time will always be limited in this industry. But I will find the life balance one day. I will do my best in everything I do.

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